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Mental Aerobics to Gain Mind Power

Whatever you do or whatever profession you are in, think carefully my words what you want is ultimately to increase your mind’s power. A lot of people would like to learn how to gain mind power; and, if you are among them, you should recognize that it can be accomplished by a number of steps, which can boost your brain. The real task is not doing something big but to do simple things and make it a habit of doing small things, then you will be able to increase your mind power on a more permanent and constant manner. You will come to know some of the best mental aerobics later in this article, but first let us understand some basics.

Most importantly, the power of your mind depends on your health, also on the major powers of your brain. Hence, there are two types of exercises that you are able to do in order to gain the power of your mind. These are the exercises for your body and the exercises for your mind.
There is no need for you to go through with strenuous exercise routines. Simple cardiovascular exercises would already do, since they would enhance the circulation of your blood. On top of that, since getting enough exercise would improve the condition of your body, it would also improve the condition of your mind.

There are lots of advantages that you would gain if you can improve your memory.
How to exercise the brain? Scientific evidences say that new ways of thinking can improve the pathways and creates a new one and hence enhance memory, there are so many such ways, you will come to know about one such thing today.
You know that nervous system is made up of neurons and these neurons have numerous dendrites, they have an important role in memory. The information in our brains is passed across billions of dendrites or extensions of brain cells, similar to the branches of a tree, which grow smaller as they expand outward. Without us, our dendrites can wither; but when we exercise them in new and creative ways, their connections remain active as they pass new information along. And, remarkably, new dendrites can be created even after old ones die.
Building your own Mental Aerobics program: Evidences show that we can "work out" our dendrites and extend their branches in many ways. You can challenge yourself by using a variety of approaches. You might consider exploring a new hobby, learning a foreign language, or perhaps taking up a musical instrument. Making a change in your leisure reading - perhaps switching from romance novels to biographies or mysteries could potentially tweak your dendrites.
Take a piece of paper and a pencil and try writing your first name using your non-dominant hand (i.e., Left hand if you are right-handed). Now take a second pencil and try writing your first name using both hands at the same time. This exercise makes both parts of your brain and has a tremendous improvement; I tried it on my five year old child for few months and was amazed to see the results after careful observation. Same way made her to do another mind boggling exercise. She was made to select an alphabet every day and try to recall as many fruits, vegetables, names of places, and friend’s names as possible. You can do it and find for yourself the excellent effect this can have on your mind, remember two things take one alphabet at a time and try to tell as many items in each section as possible.
More complex the challenge is the more advantage you get out of it. In the next article you will be discussing the impact of Puzzles and Brain-Teasers with me.

Mental aerobics: Puzzles and Brain-Teasers.

The entire world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind. -Martin H. Fischer
Even if you believe that you have a good memory, you can still improve it, since your brain’s capacity is very wide. Having better memory can actually be gained by making your mind say, how to solve this? More complex the challenge is the more advantage you get out of it; this was the last line of my previous article “Mental Aerobics to Gain Mind Power”.
There are two types of mental aerobics exercises when it comes to puzzles, left brain and right brain exercises; as right brain exercises are visual (you can see them by clicking on highlighted solutions at the bottom of this article) only left brain exercises have been discussed here.
One of the best left brain exercise that you will be able to do is to resolve crossword puzzles. This mind game will get your brain working out well, in trying to call back the words. One of the best things about this is that, you can literally do it on your leisure time at work or during commercials when you are watching your favorite television show. To gain the most from it though, it is best that you do it regularly, so that you can really sharpen your mind effectively.
Left-Brain Exercise: These will be rather logical. The following proverb has had all of the vowels taken out, and the remaining letters broken up into groups of four or three letters each. Replace the vowels and find the proverb: RLL-NGST-N-G-TH-RSN-M-SS. Another Left-Brain Exercise, Starting with word SOFT, change one letter at a time until you have the word LENS. Each change must be a proper word. After SOFT there are three other words (find them) and at last LENS.
One more Left-Brain Exercise. A water lily doubles its size every day in a round pond, and after 20 days, the lily will completely cover the pond. How many days will it take to cover half the pond?
The fun of solving puzzles and brain-teasers often come from forcing ourselves to make a mental jump from existing assumptions to find a new solution to a seemingly unsolvable problem. To do so, we need to break loose and explore the problem, puzzle, or brainteaser in a new way. Hence you exercise your brain.
You can see answers by clicking on highlighted solutions at the bottom of this article.

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