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Many of my frustrated students can't recall a recent lecture or speak confidently which they've planned out late night? They all have a basic question, how to study effectively and recall? It's a very difficult question for one to respond because there are varieties of learning strategies followed by them hence applying appropriate method gets difficult. But I administer them "mind mapping".
Effectiveness of this method lies in its flexibility to be applicable to all-embracing range of its users. Thanks for people like Tony Buzan almighty of such an amazing tool which bears a potency to alter lives.
Mind Map is the ultimate, organizational and an intelligent tool. It is the easiest way to put data into your brain and retrieve it back when needed. Mind Mapping is valuable to provide you the knowledge by the virtue of it you are able to

1. Accept: to Free Your Mental obstruct
2. Apply: Use as frequently as possible and
3. Adapt: With practice you are able to be more creative and precise.

This technique makes you more creative and effectual while making notes that literally 'maps out' your thoughts, especially while recalling them back. With Mind Mapping a long list of tedious selective information can be transmuted into colorful, memorable, extremely organized diagrams that reflect your brain's natural way of thinking and boosts synergistic thinking.
Creating mind maps is very interesting. Let’s discuss the technique later on; now let's know what it can do for you?
Your mind already contains the knowledge or information but it's extremely disorganized, and can be difficult while retrieving the stored information. Mind Maps help to acquire, organize and store information in a way that gives you access to your brain wherever you need it.
Mind Mapping reflects your brain's innate thinking processes filled with images and helps to reinforce the 'maps of thought' in your brain. Once you've made your Mind Map you'll discover that besides having pages and pages of boring analog notes you've an exclusive page that carries all the key points that you need to recall. You'll at once discover the associations and connections between different ideas. Quickly acquire insight into the big image as it gets laid out on the sheet before you.
To construct your Mind Map you've applied both sides of your brainpower. People bear a far-reaching range of intellect and creative skills that they partially use. Nevertheless, Mind Mapping makes the best use of the potential in both the right (originative) and left (analytic) sides of the brain. If both right and left hemispheres of the brain are employed, both sides turn stronger occupying with one another to reinforce their creative output.
Finally, this technique leads in a noticeably bettered memory which you are able to recall at any time and in any way. The finest part is it's pleasurable to store and recall the information.

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